Long Beach-East LA Corridor Mobility Investment Plan
The Long Beach-East Los Angeles Corridor Mobility Investment Plan, adopted unanimously by the Metro Board of Directors on April 25, 2024, targets a $4 billion investment to enhance regional mobility, safety, and air quality. Arellano Associates led this collaborative effort using JEDI strategies and innovative engagement methods, includes local residents, community organizations, transportation and goods movement industries, labor, and academic partners. Aimed at improving economic vitality, social equity, and environmental sustainability, the plan focuses on addressing traffic congestion and aging infrastructure, while expanding access and benefits for LA County residents, particularly those near I-710. Its broad impact and historical significance have prompted sharing with cities and agencies nationwide, including the US Department of Transportation.

· Managed logistics for 150+ Task Force, Committee and Working Group hybrid and virtual meetings
· Created and managed a multilingual outreach campaign, engaging thousands of stakeholders via community meetings, surveys and interactive tools
· Hosted inclusive meetings with materials and interpretation in Spanish, Tagalog, and Khmer
· Co-facilitated and fostered relationships for Metro’s first ever Community Leadership Committee (CLC), specializing in bilingual outreach and communication strategies
· Distributed thousands of multilingual flyers to hundreds of locations for broad community reach
· Collaborated with over 30 Community Based Organizations to host community meetings across the corridor to gather important feedback about the Investment Plan